Standalone Sitemap Generator

No sitemaps found
Sitemap was not generated yet, please go to Crawling page to start crawler manually or to setup a cron job.
1. General Parameters
Define website URL, sitemap filename and URL, sitemap types.
2. Sitemap Entry Attributes
Pages update frequency, last modification time, priority and other attributes.
3. Miscellaneous Settings
Login and password, email notification, compression, search engines pings etc.
4. Narrow Indexed Pages Set
Exclude specific filenames, filetypes, folders etc.
5. Crawler Limitations, Finetune
Limit sitemap size, links depth level, maximum running time etc.
6. Advanced Settings
Server's IP address, session ID parameters etc.


Starting URL:

Please enter the full http address for your site, only the links within the starting directory will be included.
Save sitemap to:

Please enter complete file name, including the path. Make sure that the file is existing and has write permissions allowed.
Hint: current path to Sitemap generator is: /home/webkaboo/public_html/generator/
Your Sitemap URL:

[-] Other Sitemap Types (click to collapse)

(*) Note that any extra sitemap type will require additional resources to complete the process
Create Text Sitemap:
Create ROR Sitemap:

It will be stored in the same folder as XML sitemap, but with different filename: ror.xml
Create HTML Sitemap:

HTML Sitemap filename (full name, with path):
Create Images Sitemap:
Create Video Sitemap: Not available - click here to order an add-on
Create News Sitemap: Not available - click here to order an add-on
Create Mobile XML Sitemap:

[+] Sitemap Entry Attributes (click to expand)

[-] Miscellaneous Settings (click to collapse)

Require authorization to access generator interface:

Send email notifications:

Number of URLs per file in XML sitemap and maximum file size:
URLs per file, Mb per file
(that may split your sitemap on multiple files)
Number of links per page and sort order in HTML sitemap:
Compress sitemap using GZip:

(".gz" will be added to all filenames automatically)
Inform (ping) Search Engines upon completion (Google, Yahoo, Ask, Moreover, Live):

Send "weblogUpdate" type of Ping Notification to:
Calculate changelog:

please note that this option requires more resources to complete
Store the external links list:

this option increases memory usage

[-] Narrow Indexed Pages Set (click to collapse)

Exclude from sitemap extensions:

these URLs are NOT included in sitemap
Do not parse extensions:

these URLs ARE included in sitemap, although not retrieved from server
Exclusion preset:

changing this setting will automatically prepopulate the options below with preset data
Exclude URLs:

do NOT include URLs that contain these substrings, one string per line
Do not parse URLs:

do not retrieve pages that contain these substrings in URL, but still INCLUDE them in sitemap
"Include ONLY" URLs:

leave this field empty by default. Fill it if you would like to include into sitemap ONLY those URls that match the specified string, separate multiple matches with space.
"Parse ONLY" URLs:

leave this field empty by default. Fill it if you would like to parse (crawl) ONLY those URls that match the specified string, separate multiple matches with space.

[+] Crawler Limitations, Finetune (click to expand)

[+] Advanced Settings (click to expand)